At the very top of each of these screens are 4 main pulldowns. Connections, Community, Track Users, and Groups.
Connections has three pulldown options…All Connections, Active Connections (those users who have been had a location update in the past 24 hours) and Favorites (those are your connections that you have favorited by swiping left on their profile in list view and clicking on Favorite.
Communityhas 2nd and 3rd degree connection pulldowns. When you click on either of those, it shows those users who are connected to as a second or third-degree connection. So say your friends with a person named Sunil. And Sunil is friends with a person named Jayne. Then Jayne is a second-degree connection to you. And say Jayne has a friend name Sammy. Then Sammy would be your third-degree connection. And the app will show you how exactly you are 2nd and 3rd degree connections with the people around you.
Track Usershas a pulldown for Active connections (those connections of yours that you are tracking who have registered a location update in the past 24 hours). And the other users in the pulldown are all the users that have allowed you to track them. This way it is very simple to go to the map view and click on a specific user and see their location. Please note this pulldown option is only available in our subscription plan.
Groupshas a pulldown that shows all the groups that you are part of. This way when you click on a group, then you just use the map, radar ad list views to see all members of that group.
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